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How do you get unlimited gold?

Question asked by Guest on
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Question for Real Racing 3

How do you get unlimited gold

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Real Racing 3 Walkthrough and Tips

Guest answered:

By hacking it

Showing latest replies - show all (13)
Guest said: 25th May 2014 | REPORT
Its easy
Guest said: 18th Jul 2014 | REPORT
Guest said: 11th Oct 2014 | REPORT

Guest said: 14th Sep 2015 | REPORT
ho do you get cheats
Guest answered:

It might be a virus like loads of other app hacks

Guest answered:

You don't hack it I know that sounds stupid but all you do is-@ the start of the game (when you first downloaded it ) in the practise race you race until you reach 100mph then smash into the wall quickly retire then you have eg 2145milion RS /GOLD

Showing latest replies - show all (5)
Guest said: 14th Jul 2014 | REPORT
I tried it did not work

Guest said: 20th Jul 2014 | REPORT
What car do you use.
Guest said: 13th Jan 2015 | REPORT
It didn't work
dk9551 said: 22nd Jan 2015 | REPORT
guys people r playing with uuuuuu
Guest answered:

How do I get the Porcshe 919 Hybrid Le Mans because I got it and then it disappeared becasue of all of the crashes on the game
Also the Pagani Zonda R
Toyota Le Mans car
Audi R18 Le Mans car
Porcshe 911 RSR 2013
Those cars I list too. Can you help please, I'm very angry

Samay 64 answered:

If you still have your money try it again if not then go to settings on iphone/ipad and change the hour.If need gas change it two hour ahead and latee set it automaticly

Guest answered:

Nothing....... And I mean NOTHING is free in this world EXCEPT ketchup packets.

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Guest said: 11th Nov 2015 | REPORT

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