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Hello. I'm on Level 10 of the game and I need to know how to get to Jellyfish..

Question asked by Guest on
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Question for SpongeBob Moves In

Hello. I'm on Level 10 of the game and I need to know how to get to Jellyfish fields. Maybe you can unlock it after you complete Level 10 but I'm not sure that's the case. Also, I want to be sure that I'm not missing something like a special item to purchase or something. Anyway, this has been bugging me for quite some time and it would be great if someone could help, thanks!

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Guest answered:

You do not unlock Jellyfish fields after you complete level 10. I think it is a future update to the game, not an unlocked item.

Guest answered:

I'm pretty sure that you get it when you unlock all of the other land available.

HOPE IT HELPED!!!!!! Smile

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Guest said: 20th Aug 2013 | REPORT
Bought all the property still not open - on level 20
Guest said: 6th Oct 2013 | REPORT
On level 23 and still not unlocked. Also, no more land available to purchase, even though there is a lot of land for sale signs. Any idea when more land becomes Available..

Guest said: 7th Sep 2015 | REPORT
Lvl 14 all land unlocked and still not unlocked jelly fish fields
Guest answered:

I'm on level 23, almost 24, have well over $100,000 and have all the land.... Now it's getting boring because I'm basically just cooking and feeding now. There's no advancement at this point--- hoping for Jellyfields to open soon or something to happen before I lose interest. New games pop up every day and I've been enjoying this one!

Guest answered:

It's being added. You can't get it yet, sorry.

Guest answered:

I guess at the time you are playing it's not unlocked. I'm playing now and jellyfish fields has been unlocked by a specific quest. I'm level 16, I don't have jellyfish fields, but I plan on purchasing it soon.

Guest answered:

Ive Unlocked Every Land Possible So Far,No More Forsale Signs And Patchys Place Has Land That I can't Get When I've Got Every Property Unlocked And In Use.any ideas?


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