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How can I get cheese faster?

Question asked by Guest on
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How can I get cheese faster?

Im having trouble getting money (cheese) and I can't buy it from the shop because it wont connect, meaning I need to get it legitamitly.... How cam I get a lot of cheese fast?

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Guest answered:

I had that problem too.
This answer depends on how far you have gotten in the game, but what I do when I need cheese fast is I go to world seven and I go to the level called button control ( I can tell you the real number in my next response, I don't have the game open yet.) Once you get to button control all you have to do is make your way through it without going over any of the buttons and then when you are done you get the most cheese points you can get. 20!
If you aren't there yet you can go to the inner city level called park life and you get 19 cheese, but further on in inner city there is a secret level called cheese fun do and it is pretty easy and you get 20 points, but the fastest and funnest level for me is the first level.
I hope this helps you!!!!!!
-Spy mouser.

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Guest said: 30th Nov 2015 | REPORT
for some reason my game of spy mouse will not let me in, so i can't tell you the level numbers yet. Sorry!

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