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Whats the cheat code for heart transplant

Question asked by Guest on
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Whats the cheat code for heart transplant

Im stuk on heart transplant and bob keeps on diying

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Guest answered:

There is no cheat code make sure to keep the green sirenge near you at all times and use the tomahawk to break his bones watch his heart beat per minute because if you don't he will have a heart attack follow these instructions and you will be fine Smile

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Guest said: 2nd Aug 2015 | REPORT
I say use the drill to remove the ribs at the base, works every time, oh yeah and the syringe is important. NOTE:I PLAY ON SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB A, NOT IPAD
TwilightSwagSparkle said: 28th Dec 2015 | REPORT
It doesn't matter which platform you're on unless it's steam
Guest said: 24th Dec 2019 | REPORT
Guest answered:

I have no idea about this there is no cheat codes for the heart transplant just try and try.

Guest answered:

I have no idea about this there is no cheat codes for the heart transplant just try and try.

Guest answered:

Try to follow these steps:
1: grab the razor drill and cut his rib cage out
2 cut the stomach out with a knife
3:then cut the heart out with a knife.
Remember. It takes blood to take it out.
There unlimited bobs that need hearts

Guest answered:

Use the drill because it is better and keep the blue syringe and green syringe close by and because the green syringe reduces blood flow down to 0ML/S and if you tap on the needle part of the green syringe you might wanna tap on the blue syringe needle to stop the effect of your aim will be off


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