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- Sensei's Lost Castle

Little Big Planet Walkthrough and Guide

by Absolute Steve  

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Little Big Planet Guide - Walkthrough

Sensei's Lost Castle

|# Prize Bubbles In Level:| 42                                                 |
|Complete Level Once:     | Costume: Angel Halo Rainbow Squares              |
|100% Completion Prize:   | Sticker: The Islands Concept                      |
|                         | Objects: The Islands Concept with Frame           |
|                         |          Big Sumo                                  |
|Ace Level Prize:         | Costume: Googly Eye Glasses                        |
|PRIZE BUBBLE PICKUPS IN LEVEL:                                                |
|STICKERS:                |OBJECTS:                  |DECORATIONS:             |
|[] Big Cute Eye (4)      |[] Big Rotating Sponge(2) |[] Gold Charm (41)       |
|[] Blue Mountain (23)    |[] Brushcloud (30)        |[] Pink Flower Button(29)|
|[] Dragon Eye (11)       |[] Brushcloud with        |[] Sakura* (19)          |
|[] Dragon Scale (32)     |   Sponge (12)            |[] White Flower Button(33|
|[] Grass Doodle (40)     |[] Cherry Blossom Tree(35)|[] Yellow Button (25)    |
|[] Japanese Fish (7)     |[] Daruma San (28)        |[] Purple Button (10)    |
|[] Japanese Samarai (24) |[] Diagonal Large Wheel(42|-------------------------|
|[] Japanese Wave (27)    |[] Diagonal Small Wheel(9)|MATERIALS:               |
|[] Pink Warrior Mask (14)|[] Fat Ninja (15)         |-------------------------|
|[] Red Japanese Text (17)|[] Green Bamboo Stick (39)|[] Pale Green Wood (22)  |
|[] Sakura Flower (36)    |[] Little Doll (31)       |[] Red Wicker (34)       |
|                         |[] Mini Sumo (37)         |[] Screen (21)           |
|                         |[] Shuriken (16)          |[] Sushi (6)             |
|                         |[] Shuriken Tower (18)    |-------------------------|
|                         |[] Spiked Rotating        |COSTUMES AUDIO:        |
|                         |   Wheel (38)             |-------------------------|
|                         |[] Swinging Ninja (5)     |[] Flip Flops* (3)       |
|                         |[] Thin Ninja* (26)       |[] Metallic Tunic* (8)   |
|                         |[] Wooden Catapult (13)   |[] 'Song 2' (20)         |
|                         |                          |[] 'Tricky Business'* (1)|

Head right and use the catapult to launch yourself over the wall. First pull it to the right with the lever, then hit the button and swing away. If all goes well you should land in a small alcove, and the [JAPANESE WAVE] and [WOODEN CATAPULT] are yours for the taking. In the air, the [CHERRY BLOSSOM TREE] can also be grabbed. Hop down and proceed right.

Use this catapult to fling yourself into the air.

Pop the two creatures here and head upstairs. Jump to the ledge on the left first and beware of the creature. Pop it. On the very left, a hidden prize bubble with [SCREEN] material is yours for the taking.

Step back to the right and spin the wheel up, grabbing the [BLUE MOUNTAIN] sticker while doing it. On this platform, first head left and walk “through” the wall. This is a sticker puzzle, but you should already have both stickers required to unlock the prize bubbles, namely the Blue Mountain and Japanese Wave Stickers, both from this level. The prize bubbles that are revealed hold: [PINK WARRIOR MASK], [LITTLE DOLL], [GREEN BAMBOO STICK] and [BIG CUTE EYE].

That's a wild sea you've created there, my little sackfriend.

Head back to the wheels. The next part is a bit tricky. You'll have to make your way by going from wheel to wheel, and some wheels have material on them that cannot be grabbed. To top it all off, there is a prize bubble that you have to jump for at the upper right, and this isn't difficult, but it means you'll have to start over again from below. Oh well, at least you get the  cool [DRAGON EYE] sticker from it.

When you've made it to the top, check your left to find the hidden [PALE GREEN WOOD]. Pop the creature on your left - time this well - and proceed. Jump from platform to platform and collect the prize bubble on the very right, which holds the [GOLD CHARM] decoration. Grab one of the balloons, float to the left and grab the [SUSHI] from the ledge. Float more to the right to get the score points and head left again to find the [SAKURA FLOWER]. Lastly, float to the ledge on the right and grab the [FAT NINJA]. To do this all at one try may be hard, but there's always the Replay, right? Also grab the [GRASS DOODLE] when you're back on your feet; it's on your left.

Use the wheel on the right to grab the [BRUSHCLOUD WITH SPONGE] below, and the Challenge Key and [SPIKED ROTATING WHEEL] and [SHURIKEN TOWER] objects. Head right and manouvrer your way through the spinning shurikens. Just make a dash for it and wait for them to come up. Next up are more little spinning wheels.  I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty sick of these right now. Either way, grab the [SHURIKEN] object and even higher up the [DIAGONAL LARGE WHEEL].  It's self-explanatory how to get them, just jump for them at the right time.

Also grab the [RED JAPANESE TEXT] and the [DIAGONAL SMALL WHEEL] near the top.

When you make it to the top, use the fabric ball to swing across, but only when the electrified plates are lowered. Grab the [BRUSHCLOUD] object in the process.  Next up, grab the fabric ball attached to the wall and roll it down. Grab the [DRAGON SCALE] sticker from the fire on the left, then carefully continue and grab the [JAPANESE FISH]. The last part is somewhat tricky, as you'll have to swing to the right and grab the [RED WICKER] before falling down to ashes below.

2x Players:
Use the fabric ball to swing to the higher ledge, and press the button for any other player who possibly didn't make it on the higher ledge to be able to come up. Have one player stand on the other red button so the wheel starts spinning, and the second player can get to the platforms below. Have the first player roll the magnetic fabric ball under the shurikens to make them go up, so that player two can get past them. At the end he/she will be able to grab [METALLIC TUNIC], [SAKURA], [FLIP FLOPS] and [TRICKY BUSINESS].

Also drag the fabric ball all the way down in order to grab the [THIN NINJA] object that's closed off.

The 2 Player Area houses a fabric ball that's useful in 1-Player-Mode as well.

Proceed and beware of the many ninjas that play hide and seek. Use the very last ninja to grab the [DARUMA SAN] object just above you. Continue to the right and grab the [BIG ROTATING SPONGE] from below the first wheel. Yes, more of these bastardly wheels again. Ride them up and watch out for the firy walls. At the top, to make things worse, you'll also have to snag the Challenge Key and the [SONG 2] by jumping on top of the fabric ball.

Head right and two big sumo creatures jump you. Jump at you? Let's jump on their brains, shall we? Easier said than done, plus you must also try to grab the prize bubble above you that holds the [MINI SUMO] object. If you wish to pop their heads, jump just when they land to hop onto their arm, then onto their head.


Continue to meet a big sumo. Jump on one of his feet to be launched into the air and hold on to one of the red lanterns. Hop onto his head and pop his three brains. Go back to the ground and move under him, but make sure you don't get squashed underneath his smelly feet. Pop the two brains here and he'll be toast.  Continue to the right and ride the ninja balls up. You can grab a [SWINGING NINJA] somewhere along the right of this path.


At the top, free the cat and ride the fabric ball down. This will net you many prize bubbles: [PINK FLOWER BUTTON], [PURPLE BUTTON], [YELLOW BUTTON], [WHITE FLOWERS BUTTON], and [JAPANESE SAMURAI]. You have now reached the end of the level.

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Comments for - Sensei's Lost Castle

10 comments, latest first.
Apr 30th 2012 Guest
I found that after i dragged the catapult to the far right intead if holdig the analog stick to go right you only got to the stickers if you didnt try to move in the air.
ID #138269
May 4th 2011 Guest
I hate this level. Already done it but have to do again cause the next lvl didn't unlock
ID #41371
Mar 26th 2011 Guest
to get the thin ninja go to th 2 player part go under the ball jump and push it to the bottom ledge drag it to the sensor and its yours
ID #34323
Jan 14th 2011 Guest
One special thing I learned with the catapult to do is jump on the button, then jump again for that physics push. Itll throw you much higher in the air.
ID #25345
Jan 7th 2011 Guest
To get the mini ninja, you need to get the log thing from the 2x player part and drag it down to the lower level. It's nigh impossible with one player but pretty easy with 2
ID #24474
Oct 24th 2010 Guest
thank u your such a great help ive looked 4 those flip flops for months
ID #16204
Sep 7th 2010 Guest
How do we get the mini sumo?
ID #11860
Jul 13th 2010 Guest
you pull the catapult as far right as you possibly can.
ID #4395
Jul 5th 2010 Guest
Where EXACCTLY do you position the catapault to get the wave sticker?
ID #3133
Jul 5th 2010 Guest
Okay. How do you get the Thin Ninja? We've moved the fabric thing over the 4 on the bottom, and it made the light turn black... But we cant get the actual sticker -___-. Help please!
ID #3132